
The baseline system supports multi-level parameter overwriting, to enable flexible switching between different system setups. Parameter changes are tracked with hashes calculated from parameter sections. These parameter hashes are used in the storage file paths when saving data (features, model, or results). By using this approach, the system will compute features, models and results only once for the specific parameter set, and after that it will reuse this precomputed data.

Parameter overwriting

Parameters are stored in YAML-formatted files, which are handled internally in the system as Dictionaries. Default parameters is the set of all possible parameters recognized by the system. These default parameters are defined in applications/parameters/task?.defaults.yaml. Parameter set is a smaller set of parameters used to overwrite values of the default parameters. This can be used to select methods for processing, or tune parameters.

Parameter file

Parameters files are YAML-formatted files, containing the following three blocks:

  • active_set, default parameter set id
  • sets, list of dictionaries
  • defaults dictionary containing default parameters which are overwritten by the sets[active_set]

At the top level of the parameter dictionary there are parameter sections; depending on the name of the section, the parameters inside it are processed sometimes differently (See below more information.)

Example file:

active_set: SET1

    - set_id: SET1
        task1: false
        task2: false
        task3: true
        enable: true
        field1: 11025
        enable: true
        field2: 44100
    - set_id: SET2
        enable: false
        enable: false

        task1: true
        task2: true
        task3: true

        enable: false
        field1: 44100
        field2: 22050

        enable: true
        field1: 44100
        field2: 22050

Parameter hash

Parameter hashes are MD5 hashes calculated for each parameter section. In order to make these hashes more robust, some pre-processing is applied before hash calculation:

  • If section contains field enable with value False, all fields inside this section are excluded from the parameter hash calculation. This will avoid recalculating the hash if the section is not used but some of these unused parameters are changed.
  • If section contains fields with value False, these fields are excluded from the parameter hash calculation. This will enable to add new flag parameters without changing the hash. Define the new flag such that the previous behaviour is happening when this field is set to false.
  • All non_hashable_fields fields are excluded from the parameter hash calculation. These fields are set when ParameterContainer is constructed, and they usually are fields used to print various values to the console. These fields do not change the system output to be saved onto disk, and hence they are excluded from hash.

Parameter sections

The functionality of the parameters depending on the section name.


The processing blocks of the system can be controlled through this section. Usually all of them can be kept on.

Example section:

    initialize: true
    extract_features: true
    feature_normalizer: true
    train_system: true
    test_system: true
    evaluate_system: true
Field name Value type Description
extract_features bool Initialize the system
feature_normalizer bool Extract acoustic features for all data at once.
train_system bool Train the system with training material
test_system bool Test the system with testing material
evaluate_system bool Evaluate correctness of the system outputs produced in the test_system block.


This section contains general settings, mostly related to printing and logging.

Example section:

    overwrite: false

    challenge_submission_mode: false

    print_system_progress: true
    log_system_parameters: false
    log_system_progress: false
Field name Value type Description
overwrite bool Overwrite all pre-calculated data. Enable this when changing system implementation.
challenge_submission_mode bool Save results to path location defined in path->challenge_results. Use this mode when preparing a submission to the challenge.
print_system_progress bool Print the system progress into console using carriage return.
use_ascii_progress_bar bool Force ASCII progres bars, use this if your console does not support UTF-8 character set. Under Windows this is set automatically True.
log_system_parameters bool Save system parameters into system log file.
log_system_progress bool Save system progress into system log file.

string {scene-dependent |

Scene handling type, can be used in sound event detection application to control how audio material from multiple acoustic scene classes are handled.
active_scenes list List of active scene classes in the processing. This can be used to speed up processing when debugging.

string {event-dependent |

Event handling type, can be used in binary sound event detection application to control how audio material from multiple event classes are handled.
active_events list List of active event classes in the processing. This can be used to speed up processing when debugging.


This section defines all paths for the system. Paths can be defined either as absolute or relative to the application code file. Relative paths are converted into absolute before they are used.

Example section:

    data: data/

    system_base: system/task1/
    feature_extractor: feature_extractor/
    feature_normalizer: feature_normalizer/
    learner: learner/
    recognizer: recognizer/
    evaluator: evaluator/

    recognizer_challenge_output: challenge_submission/task1/
    logs: logs/
Field name Value type Description
data string Path to store all audio datasets.
system_base string Base path for the system to store all data.
feature_extractor string Directory name under system_base for extracted features
feature_normalizer string Directory name under system_base for feature normalization values
learner string Directory name under system_base for learned acoustic models
recognizer string Directory name under system_base for predicted system outputs
evaluator string Directory name under system_base for evaluated metric values
recognizer_challenge_output string Path to store system output in challenge mode.
logs string Path to save system logs.


This section defines the dataset use in development mode and in challenge mode.

Example section:

    method: development

        name: TUTAcousticScenes_2017_DevelopmentSet
        fold_list: [1, 2, 3, 4]
        evaluation_mode: folds

        name: TUTAcousticScenes_2017_DevelopmentSet
        evaluation_mode: full

        name: TUTAcousticScenes_2017_EvaluationSet
        evaluation_mode: full

dataset->method is used to select the active dataset.

Field name Value type Description
dataset->method string Active dataset, used to select parameter set from dataset_method_parameters
dataset_method_parameters->method->name string Dataset class name, use ./ -show_datasets to see valid ones
dataset_method_parameters->method->fold_list list of ints List of active folds. If nothing set, all available folds are used. Use this to run the system on a subset of cross-validation folds.
dataset_method_parameters->method->evaluation_mode string {full|folds} System evalution mode. With folds, cross-evaluation folds are used. With full all the data is used for training and testing.

Feature extractor

This section defines the general feature extraction parameters and extractor specific parameters. feature_stacker->stacking_recipe is used to select active feature extractors.

Example section:

    fs: 44100                               # Sampling frequency
    win_length_seconds: 0.04                # Window length
    hop_length_seconds: 0.02                # Hop length
Field name Value type Description
fs int Sampling frequency. If different sampling frequency is encountered during audio file loading, resampling is used.
win_length_seconds float Analysis window length in seconds.
hop_length_seconds float Analysis window hop length in seconds.

Example section:

    mel:                                    # Mel band energy
        mono: true                          # [true, false]
        window: hamming_asymmetric          # [hann_asymmetric, hamming_asymmetric]
        spectrogram_type: magnitude         # [magnitude, power]
        n_mels: 40                          # Number of MEL bands used
        normalize_mel_bands: false          # [true, false]
        n_fft: 2048                         # FFT length
        fmin: 0                             # Minimum frequency when constructing MEL bands
        fmax: 22050                         # Maximum frequency when constructing MEL band
        htk: false                          # Switch for HTK-styled MEL-frequency equation
        log: true                           # Logarithmic

    mfcc:                                   # Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients
        mono: true                          # [true, false]
        window: hamming_asymmetric          # [hann_asymmetric, hamming_asymmetric]
        spectrogram_type: magnitude         # [magnitude, power]
        n_mfcc: 20                          # Number of MFCC coefficients
        n_mels: 40                          # Number of MEL bands used
        n_fft: 2048                         # FFT length
        fmin: 0                             # Minimum frequency when constructing MEL bands
        fmax: 22050                         # Maximum frequency when constructing MEL band
        htk: false                          # Switch for HTK-styled MEL-frequency equation

    mfcc_delta:                             # MFCC delta coefficients
        width: 9                            #

    mfcc_acceleration:                      # MFCC acceleration coefficients
        width: 9                            #
Field name Value type Description
mono bool If true, multi-channel audio input is averaged into single channel.
window string {hann_asymmetric | hamming_asymmetric} Analysis window function.
spectrogram_type string {magnitude | power} Spectrogram type.
n_mels int Number of mel bands used.
normalize_mel_bands bool Normalize mel bands.
n_fft int FFT length.
fmin int Minimum frequency when constructing mel bands
fmax int Maximum frequency when constructing mel band
htk bool Switch for HTK-style mel-frequency equation
log bool Logarithmic
mono bool If true, multi-channel audio input is averaged into single channel.
window string {hann_asymmetric | hamming_asymmetric} Analysis window function.
spectrogram_type string {magnitude | power} Spectrogram type.
n_mfcc int Number of mfcc coefficients. Zeroth coefficient is always returned.
n_mels int Number of mel bands used.
n_fft int FFT length.
fmin int Minimum frequency when constructing mel bands
fmax int Maximum frequency when constructing mel band
htk bool Switch for HTK-style mel-frequency equation
width int Delta window length.
width int Delta-delta window length.

Feature stacker

This section defines how the extracted features are combined to form the feature vector (and feature matrix). Stacking recipe is ; limited string with stacking recipe item in specific format:

  • [extractor (string)], default channel 0 and full vector
  • [extractor (string)]=[start index (int)]-[end index (int)], default channel 0 and vector [start:end]
  • [extractor (string)]=[channel (int)]:[start index (int)]-[end index (int)], specified channel and vector [start:end]
  • [extractor (string)]=1,2,3,4,5, default channel 0 and vector [1,2,3,4,5]
  • [extractor (string)]=0, specified channel and full vector

For example to get feature vector with mfcc and omitting zeroth coefficient use:

stacking_recipe: mfcc=1-19;mfcc_delta;mfcc_acceleration

For example to get features from both channels (make sure feature_extractor_method_parameters->mel->mono field is set to false:

stacking_recipe: mel=0;mel=1

Example section:

    stacking_recipe: mel
Field name Value type Description
stacking_recipe string Stacking recipe to form feature vector.
feature_hop int {1} Debugging parameter to strip data by taking every Nth feature vector. Use this only for classification tasks, as it will break synchronization of the meta data.

Feature normalizer

This section defines the feature normalization.

Example section:

    enable: true
    type: global
Field name Value type Description
enable bool Switch to enable feature normalization.
type string {global} Normalization type. Currently only global normalization supported.

Feature aggregator

This section defines the feature aggregation. The feature aggregator can be used to process the feature matrix inside the processing window. It can be used for example to collapse features within the window by calculating mean and std per feature item, or to flatten the matrix into single longer feature vector.

Supported processing methods:

  • flatten
  • mean
  • std
  • cov
  • kurtosis
  • skew

The processing methods can combined with ;.

For example, to calculate mean and std:

aggregation_recipe: mean;std

Example section:

    enable: false
    aggregation_recipe: flatten
    win_length_seconds: 0.1
    hop_length_seconds: 0.02
Field name Value type Description
enable bool Switch to enable feature aggregation.
aggregation_recipe string Aggregation recipe. See formatting above.
win_length_seconds float Aggregation processing window length.
hop_length_seconds float Aggregation processing window hop length.


This section defines the learner stage of the system.

Example section:

    method: mlp

    audio_error_handling: false
    show_model_information: false
Field name Value type Description
method string Learner method name. Used to select parameters from learner_method_parameters.
audio_error_handling bool Switch to skip frames annotated to contain errors. Only used in Task1 application
show_model_information bool Switch to show extra information about the learned model. Used only with keras learners.
file_hop int {1} Debugging parameter to strip data by taking every Nth file when collecting training data. Use this for debugging when dealing with large datasets.


Example section for MLP based learner:

        seed: 1

            backend: theano
                floatX: float32
                device: cpu
                fastmath: false

            enable: true
            setup_source: generated_scene_balanced
            validation_amount: 0.10
            seed: 1

            nb_epoch: 100
            batch_size: 256
            shuffle: true
                - type: EarlyStopping
                      monitor: val_categorical_accuracy
                      min_delta: 0.001
                      patience: 10
                      verbose: 0
                      mode: max
                - class_name: Dense
                    units: 50
                    kernel_initializer: uniform
                    activation: relu

                - class_name: Dropout
                    rate: 0.2

                - class_name: Dense
                    units: 50
                    kernel_initializer: uniform
                    activation: relu

                - class_name: Dropout
                    rate: 0.2

                - class_name: Dense
                    units: CLASS_COUNT
                    kernel_initializer: uniform
                    activation: softmax

            loss: categorical_crossentropy

                type: Adam

                - categorical_accuracy

This learner is using Keras neural network implementation. See documentation.

Field name Value type Description
seed int Randomization seed. Use this to make learner behaviour deterministic.
backend string {theano | tensorflow} Keras backend selector.
device string {cpu | gpu} Device selector. cpu is best option to produce deterministic results. All baseline results are calculated in cpu mode.
floatX string Float number type. Usually float32 used since that is compatible with GPUs. Valid only for theano backend.
fastmath bool If true, will enable fastmath mode when CUDA code is compiled. Div and sqrt are faster, but precision is lower. This can cause numerical issues some in cases. Valid only for theano backend and GPU mode.
optimizer string {fast_run | merge | fast_compile None} Compilation mode for theano functions.
openmp bool If true, Theano will use multiple cores, see more.
threads int Number of threads used. Use one to disable threading.
CNR bool Conditional numerical reproducibility for MKL BLAS. When set to True, compatible mode used. See more.
enable bool If true, validation set is used during the training procedure.
setup_source string

Validation setup source. Valid sources:

  • generated_scene_balanced, balanced based on scene labels, used for Task1.
  • generated_event_file_balanced, balanced based on events, used for Task2.
  • generated_scene_location_event_balanced, balanced based on scene, location and events. Used for Task3.
  • dataset, validation set specified by dataset in use.
validation_amount float Percentage of training data selected for validation. Use value between 0.0-1.0. Valid only if validation setup is generated.
seed int Validation set generation seed. If Null, learner seed will be used.
epochs int Number of epochs.
batch_size int Batch size.
shuffle bool If true, training samples are shuffled at each epoch.
mlp->training->callbacks, list of parameter sets in following format. Callback called during the model training.
type string Callback name, use standard keras callbacks callbacks or ones defined by dcase_framework (Plotter, Stopper, Stasher).
parameters dict Place inside this all parameters for the callback.
mlp->training->model->config, list of dicts. Defining network topology.
class_name string Layer name. Use standard keras core layers, convolutional layers, pooling layers, recurrent layers, or normalization layers.
config dict

Place inside this all parameters for the layer. See Keras documentation. Magic parameter values:

  • FEATURE_VECTOR_LENGTH, feature vector length. This automatically inserted for input layer.
  • CLASS_COUNT, number of classes.
input_shape list of ints List of integers which is converted into tuple before giving to Keras layer.
loss string Keras loss function name. See Keras documentation.
metrics list of strings Keras metric function name. See Keras documentation.
type string Keras optimizer name. See Keras documentation.
parameters dict Place inside this all parameters for the optimizer.

Keras sequential

Example section for Keras sequential learner:

    seed: 0
      backend: theano
        floatX: float32
        device: gpu
        fastmath: true
        optimizer: fast_run
        openmp: true
        threads: 4
        CNR: true

      enable: false

      enable: false

      enable: false
      method: feature_generator
      max_q_size: 1
      workers: 1
        buffer_size: 10

      enable: true
      setup_source: generated_event_file_balanced
      validation_amount: 0.10
      seed: 123

      epochs: 200
      batch_size: 256
      shuffle: true

        enable: true

          enable: true
          evaluation_interval: 1
            - name: sed_eval.event_based.overall.error_rate.error_rate
              label: ER
                evaluate_onset: true
                evaluate_offset: false
                t_collar: 0.5
                percentage_of_length: 0.5
            - name: sed_eval.event_based.overall.f_measure.f_measure
              label: F1
                evaluate_onset: true
                evaluate_offset: false
                t_collar: 0.5
                percentage_of_length: 0.5

        - type: Plotter
            interactive: true
            save: false
            output_format: pdf
            focus_span: 10
            plotting_rate: 5

        - type: Stopper
            monitor: sed_eval.event_based.overall.error_rate.error_rate
            initial_delay: 20
            min_delta: 0.01
            patience: 10

        - type: Stasher
            monitor: sed_eval.event_based.overall.error_rate.error_rate
            initial_delay: 20

        LAYER_SIZE: 50
        LAYER_INIT: uniform
        LAYER_ACTIVATION: relu
        DROPOUT: 0.2

        - class_name: Dense
            units: LAYER_SIZE
            kernel_initializer: LAYER_INIT
            activation: LAYER_ACTIVATION

        - class_name: Dropout
            rate: DROPOUT

        - class_name: Dense
            units: LAYER_SIZE
            kernel_initializer: LAYER_INIT
            activation: LAYER_ACTIVATION

        - class_name: Dropout
            rate: DROPOUT

        - class_name: Dense
            units: CLASS_COUNT
            kernel_initializer: LAYER_INIT
            activation: sigmoid

      loss: binary_crossentropy

        type: Adam

        - binary_accuracy

This learner is using Keras neural network implementation. See documentation.

Field name Value type Description
seed int Randomization seed. Use this to make learner behaviour deterministic.
backend string {theano | tensorflow} Keras backend selector.
device string {cpu | gpu} Device selector. cpu is best option to produce deterministic results. All baseline results are calculated in cpu mode.
floatX string Float number type. Usually float32 used since that is compatible with GPUs. Valid only for theano backend.
fastmath bool If true, will enable fastmath mode when CUDA code is compiled. Div and sqrt are faster, but precision is lower. This can cause numerical issues some in cases. Valid only for theano backend and GPU mode.
optimizer string {fast_run | merge | fast_compile None} Compilation mode for theano functions.
openmp bool If true, Theano will use multiple cores, see more.
threads int Number of threads used. Use one to disable threading.
CNR bool Conditional numerical reproducibility for MKL BLAS. When set to True, compatible mode used. See more.
keras_seq->input_sequencer, transforming input data into sequences
enable bool If true, input sequencing is used during the training procedure.
frames int Frames per sequence
hop int Hop (in frames) between sequences
padding bool Replicating data when sequence is not full
keras_seq->temporal_shifter, shift data on temporal axis for each epoch
enable bool If true, temporal data shifting per epoch is applied during the training procedure.


{roll | push }

How border is handled:

  • roll, data matrix is rolled (data moved from end to the begin)
  • push, unused material is not used.
step int How much sequence start is shifted per epoch
max int Maximum shift, after which shift is returned to zero.
keras_seq->generator, data generator to read training data directly from disk during the training procedure.
enable bool If true, data generator is used to provide training material.
method string {feature} Generator method: - feature, feature based generator
max_q_size int Maximum size for the generator queue
workers int Maximum number of generator processes to start up.
buffer_size int Size of internal buffer. How many items (files) will be stored in the memory.
enable bool If true, validation set is used during the training procedure.
setup_source string

Validation setup source. Valid sources:

  • generated_scene_balanced, balanced based on scene labels, used for Task1.
  • generated_event_file_balanced, balanced based on events, used for Task2.
  • generated_scene_location_event_balanced, balanced based on scene, location and events. Used for Task3.
validation_amount float Percentage of training data selected for validation. Use value between 0.0-1.0.
seed int Validation set generation seed. If Null, learner seed will be used.
epochs int Number of epochs.
batch_size int Batch size.
shuffle bool If true, training samples are shuffled at each epoch.
keras_seq->training->epoch_processing, epoch by epoch processing outside Keras.
enable bool If true, training is done in smaller segments to allow evaluation of external metrics for validation data.
enable bool If true, external metrics are evaluated.
evaluation_interval int Evaluation is done every Nth epoch.
keras_seq->training->epoch_processing->external_metrics->metrics, list of dicts. Defining external metrics.
label string Metric label, use unique label.
evaluator string

Evaluaor names:

  • sed_eval.scene, acoustic scene classification metrics
  • sed_eval.segment_based, segment based sound event detection metrics
  • sed_eval.event_based, event based sound event detection metrics
name string

Metric name, dict path to fetch metric value:

  • overall.accuracy, accuracy
  • overall.f_measure.f_measure, F1
  • overall.error_rate.error_rate, ER
parameters dict Parameters for the evaluator. See sed_eval documentation.
keras_seq->training->callbacks, list of parameter sets in following format. Callback called during the model training.
type string Callback name, use standard keras callbacks callbacks or ones defined by dcase_framework (Plotter, Stopper, Stasher).
parameters dict Place inside this all parameters for the callback.
keras_seq->training->model->constants, Defined constant to be used in while defining network topology.
keras_seq->training->model->config, list of dicts. Defining network topology.
class_name string Layer name. Use standard keras core layers, convolutional layers, pooling layers, recurrent layers, or normalization layers.
config dict

Place inside this all parameters for the layer. See Keras documentation. Magic parameter values:

  • FEATURE_VECTOR_LENGTH, feature vector length. This automatically inserted for input layer.
  • CLASS_COUNT, number of classes.
  • INPUT_SEQUENCE_LENGTH, input sequence length

Addition constants defined in keras_seq->training->model->constants can be used.

input_shape list of ints List of integers which is converted into tuple before giving to Keras layer.
kernel_size list of ints List of integers which is converted into tuple before giving to Keras layer.
pool_size list of ints List of integers which is converted into tuple before giving to Keras layer.
dims list of ints List of integers which is converted into tuple before giving to Keras layer.
target_shape list of ints List of integers which is converted into tuple before giving to Keras layer.
loss string Keras loss function name. See Keras documentation.
metrics list of strings Keras metric function name. See Keras documentation.
type string Keras optimizer name. See Keras documentation.
parameters dict Place inside this all parameters for the optimizer.


Example section for GMM based learner:

        n_components: 1
        covariance_type: diag
        tol: 0.001
        reg_covar: 0
        max_iter: 40
        n_init: 1
        init_params: kmeans
        random_state: 0

This learner is using sklearn.mixture.GaussianMixture implementation. See documentation.

Field name Value type Description
n_components int The number of mixture components.
covariance_type string { full | tied | diag | spherical } Covariance type.
tol float Covariance threshold.
reg_covar float Non-negative regularization added to the diagonal of covariance.
max_iter int The number of EM iterations.
n_init int The number of initializations.
init_params string { kmeans | random } The method used to initialize model weights.
random_state int Random seed.


This section defines the recognizer stage of the system.

Example section for Task 1:

    enable: true
    audio_error_handling: false

        enable: false
        type: sum

        enable: false
        type: frame_max
        threshold: null

        enable: true
        type: majority_vote
Field name Value type Description
enable bool Section selector
audio_error_handling bool Switch to skip frames annotated to contain errors. Only used in Task1 application. This used to exclude temporary microphone failure and radio signal interferences from mobile phones.
frame_accumulation, Defining frame probability accumulation.
enable bool Enable frame probability accumulation.
type string {sum | prod | mean } Operator type used to accumulate.
frame_binarization, Defining frame probability binarization.
enable bool Enable frame probability binarization.
type string {frame_max | global_threshold }

Type of binarization:

  • frame_max, each frame is treated individually, max of each frame is set to one, other zero.
  • global_threshold, global threshold, all values over the threshold are set to one.
threshold float Threshold value. Set to null if not used.
decision_making, Defining final decision making.
enable bool Enable final decision making.
type string {maximum | majority_vote }

Type of decision:

  • maximum, maximum probability is choosen.
  • majority_vote, majority vote among binarized frame decisions.

Example section for Task 2 and Task 3:

    enable: true

        enable: false
        type: sliding_sum
        window_length_seconds: 1.0

        enable: true
        type: global_threshold
        threshold: 0.5

        enable: true
        type: median_filtering
        window_length_seconds: 0.54

        enable: true
        minimum_event_length_seconds: 0.1
        minimum_event_gap_second: 0.1
Field name Value type Description
enable bool Section selector
frame_accumulation, Defining frame probability accumulation.
enable bool Enable frame probability accumulation.
type string {sliding_sum | sliding_mean | sliding_median } Operator type used to accumulate.
window_length_seconds float Window length in seconds for sliding accumulation.
frame_binarization, Defining frame probability binarization.
enable bool Enable frame probability binarization.
type string {frame_max | global_threshold }

Type of binarization:

  • frame_max, each frame is treated individually, max of each frame is set to one, all others to zero.
  • global_threshold, global threshold, all values over the threshold are set to one.
threshold float Threshold value. Set to null if not used.
event_activity_processing, Event activity processing per frame.
enable bool Enable activity processing.
type string {median_filtering}

Type of decision:

  • median_filtering, median filtering of decision inside window.
window_length_seconds float Length of sliding window in seconds for activity processing.
event_post_processing, Event post processing per event.
enable bool Enable event processing.
minimum_event_length_seconds float Minimum allowed event length. Shorter events will be removed.
minimum_event_gap_second float Minimum allowed gap between events. Smaller gaps between events will cause events to be merged together.


This section defines the evaluation stage of the system.

Example section:

    enable: true
    show_details: false

        enable: true
        filename: eval_[{parameter_hash}].yaml
Field name Value type Description
enable bool Section selector
show_details bool Show more detailed metrics (class-wise, scene-wise, event-wise)
saving, Saving evaluation results
enable bool Enable result saving into yaml-file.
filename string

Filename for the evalution results. Following magic fields can be used:

  • {parameter_hash}
  • {parameter_set}
  • {dataset_name}


This section defines the system logging.

Example section:

    enable: true
    colored: true

        version: 1
        disable_existing_loggers: false
                format: "[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s"
                format: "%(asctime)s\t[%(name)-20s]\t[%(levelname)-8s]\t%(message)s"
                format: "[%(asctime)s] [%(name)s]\t [%(levelname)-8s]\t %(message)s \t(%(filename)s:%(lineno)s)"
                class: logging.StreamHandler
                level: DEBUG
                formatter: simple
                stream: ext://sys.stdout

                class: logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler
                level: INFO
                formatter: normal
                maxBytes: 10485760
                backupCount: 20
                encoding: utf8

                class: logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler
                level: DEBUG
                formatter: normal
                filename: task1.debug.log
                maxBytes: 10485760
                backupCount: 20
                encoding: utf8

                class: logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler
                level: ERROR
                formatter: extended
                filename: task1.errors.log
                maxBytes: 10485760
                backupCount: 20
                encoding: utf8

                level: ERROR
                handlers: [console]
                propagate: no

            level: INFO
            handlers: [console, error_file_handler, info_file_handler, debug_file_handler]
Field name Value type Description
enable bool Enable logging
colored bool Enable colored logging when printing it on console.
parameters, Logging parameters logging.config.dictConfig(parameters), see documentation.