
class dcase_framework.keras_utils.ProgressPlotterCallback(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Keras callback to plot progress during the training process and save final progress into figure. Implements Keras Callback API.



epochs : int

Total amount of epochs

metric : str

Metric name

manual_update : bool

Manually update callback, use this to when injecting external metrics Default value True

interactive : bool

Show plot during the training and update with plotting rate Default value True

plotting_rate : int

Plot update rate in seconds Default value 10

save : bool

Save plot on disk, plotting rate applies

filename : str

Filename of figure Default value 1

focus_span : int

Epoch amount to highlight, and show separately in the plot. Default value 10

__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]



epochs : int

Total amount of epochs

metric : str

Metric name

manual_update : bool

Manually update callback, use this to when injecting external metrics Default value True

interactive : bool

Show plot during the training and update with plotting rate Default value True

plotting_rate : int

Plot update rate in seconds Default value 10

save : bool

Save plot on disk, plotting rate applies

filename : str

Filename of figure Default value 1

focus_span : int

Epoch amount to highlight, and show separately in the plot. Default value 10


__init__(\*args, \*\*kwargs) Constructor
add_external_metric(metric_label) Add external metric to be monitored
close() Manually close progress logging
draw() Draw plot
on_batch_begin(batch[, logs])
on_batch_end(batch[, logs])
on_epoch_begin(epoch[, logs])
on_epoch_end(epoch[, logs])
set_external_metric_value(metric_label, ...) Add external metric value
update() Update
update_progress_bar([increase]) Update progress to tqdm progress bar
update_progress_log() Update progress to logging interface