
task1 Acoustic scene classification

The goal of acoustic scene classification is to classify a test recording into one of the provided predefined classes that characterizes the environment in which it was recorded — for example “park”, “home”, “office”.


System overview for acoustic scene classification application.

More information on DCASE2017 Task 1 page.


TUT Acoustic Scenes 2017, Development

Average accuracy of file-wise classification.

  Overall Folds
System Accuracy 1 2 3 4
MLP based system, DCASE2017 baseline 74.8 % 75.2% 75.3 % 77.3 % 71.3 %
GMM based system 74.1 % 74.0 % 76.0 % 73.1 % 73.2 %

Scene class-wise results

Scene class MLP GMM
beach 75.3 75.0
bus 71.8 84.3
cafe/restaurant 57.7 81.7
car 97.1 91.0
city center 90.7 91.0
forest path 79.5 73.4
grocery store 58.7 67.9
home 68.6 71.4
library 57.1 63.5
metro station 91.7 81.4
office 99.7 97.1
park 70.2 39.1
residential area 64.1 74.7
train 58.0 41.0
tram 81.7 79.2
Overall 74.8 74.1

To reproduce the results run:

make -C docker/ task1

See more about reproducibility.

Results calculated with Python 2.7.13, Keras 2.0.2, and Theano 0.9.0

TUT Acoustic Scenes 2017, Evaluation

Average accuracy of file-wise classification.

System Accuracy
MLP based system, DCASE2017 baseline 61.0 %

Scene class-wise results

Scene class MLP
beach 40.7
bus 38.9
cafe/restaurant 43.5
car 64.8
city center 79.6
forest path 85.2
grocery store 49.1
home 79.9
library 30.6
metro station 93.5
office 73.1
park 32.4
residential area 77.8
train 72.2
tram 57.4
Overall 61.0

More detailed results on DCASE2017 Task 1 results page.

task2 Detection of rare sound events

This task focuses on detection of rare sound events in artificially created mixtures. The goal is to output for each test file the information on whether the target sound event has been detected, including the textual label, onset and offset of the detected sound event.


System overview for detection of rare sound events application.

More information on DCASE2017 Task 2.


TUT Rare Sound Events 2017, Development

Event-based metric

  Event-based metrics
System ER F-score
MLP based system, DCASE2017 baseline 0.53 72.7 %
GMM based system 0.55 72.5 %

Event class-wise results

Event class ER F-score ER F-score
babycry 0.67 72.0 0.77 67.6
glassbreak 0.22 88.5 0.35 82.8
gunshot 0.69 57.4 0.54 67.2
Overall 0.53 72.7 0.55 72.5

To reproduce these results run:

make -C docker/ task2

See more about reproducibility.

Results calculated with Python 2.7.13, Keras 2.0.2, and Theano 0.9.0

More details on the metrics calculation can be found in:

Annamaria Mesaros, Toni Heittola, and Tuomas Virtanen, “Metrics for polyphonic sound event detection”, Applied Sciences, 6(6):162, 2016 [HTML][PDF]

TUT Rare Sound Events 2017, Evaluation

Event-based metric

  Event-based metrics
System ER F-score
MLP based system, DCASE2017 baseline 0.63 64.1 %

Event class-wise results

Event class ER F-score
babycry 0.80 66.8
glassbreak 0.38 79.1
gunshot 0.73 46.5
Overall 0.63 64.1

More detailed results on DCASE2017 Task 2 results page.

task3 Sound event detection in real life audio

This task evaluates performance of the sound event detection systems in multisource conditions similar to our everyday life, where the sound sources are rarely heard in isolation. In this task, there is no control over the number of overlapping sound events at each time, not in the training nor in the testing audio data.


System overview for sound event detection in real life audio application.

More information on DCASE2017 Task 3.


TUT Sound Events 2017, Development

Segment-based metric

  Segment-based metrics
System ER F-score
MLP based system, DCASE2017 baseline 0.69 56.7 %
GMM based system 0.71 52.1 %

Event class-wise metrics

Event class ER F-score ER F-score
brakes squeaking 0.98 4.1 1.06 13.6
car 0.57 74.1 0.60 66.4
children 1.35 0.0 1.54 0.0
large vehicle 0.90 50.8 0.98 38.0
people speaking 1.25 18.5 1.23 28.5
people walking 0.84 55.6 0.61 65.6

To reproduce these results run:

make -C docker/ task3

See more about reproducibility.

Results calculated with Python 2.7.13, Keras 2.0.2, and Theano 0.9.0

More details on the metrics calculation can be found in:

Annamaria Mesaros, Toni Heittola, and Tuomas Virtanen, “Metrics for polyphonic sound event detection”, Applied Sciences, 6(6):162, 2016 [HTML][PDF]

TUT Sound Events 2017, Evaluation

Segment-based metric

  Segment-based metrics
System ER F-score
MLP based system, DCASE2017 baseline 0.94 42.8 %

Event class-wise metrics

Event class ER F-score
brakes squeaking 0.92 16.5
car 0.77 61.5
children 2.67 0.0
large vehicle 1.44 42.7
people speaking 1.30 8.6
people walking 1.44 33.5

More detailed results on DCASE2017 Task 3 results page.