- Evaluation toolbox for Sound Event Detection¶
- Toni Heittola (, GitHub, Home)
- Annamaria Mesaros (, Home)
is an open source Python toolbox which provides a standardized, and transparent way to evaluate
sound event detection systems (see Sound Event Detection). In addition to this, it provides tools for evaluating acoustic
scene classification systems, as the fields are closely related (see Acoustic Scene Classification).
The toolbox can be used in any of the following ways:
- By using the included evaluator scripts directly (see Installation instructions and Quickstart: Using the evaluators). This is suitable if the system to be evaluated is implemented using some other platform than Python.
- By importing it and calling it from your own Python code (see Installation instructions and Quickstart: Using sed_eval in Python code)
If you use sed_eval
in a research project, please cite the following paper:
Annamaria Mesaros, Toni Heittola, and Tuomas Virtanen, “Metrics for polyphonic sound event detection”, Applied Sciences, 6(6):162, 2016 [HTML][PDF]