Source code for sed_eval.test

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/



import numpy

[docs]def mcnemar(reference, estimated_a, estimated_b): """McNemar's test Wikipedia entry Parameters ---------- reference : list Reference value estimated_a : list System output A estimated_b : list System output B Returns ------- float exact P-value """ if len(reference) != len(estimated_a) or len(reference) != len(estimated_b): raise ValueError('Input arrays needs to be same length.') # Convert lists into numpy.array reference = numpy.array(reference) estimated_a = numpy.array(estimated_a) estimated_b = numpy.array(estimated_b) # Intermediate values correct_a = estimated_a == reference correct_b = estimated_b == reference incorrect_a = estimated_a != reference incorrect_b = estimated_b != reference # Contingency table values b = float( numpy.sum( numpy.logical_and(incorrect_a, correct_b) ) ) c = float( numpy.sum( numpy.logical_and(correct_a, incorrect_b) ) ) # Continuity corrected version of the McNemar test to approximate the binomial exact-P-value # Edwards, A (1948). "Note on the "correction for continuity" in testing the significance of the difference # between correlated proportions". Psychometrika. 13: 185–187 if b + c > 0: return (numpy.abs(b - c) - 1)**2 / (b + c) else: return 0